@misc{oai:jgssdds.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000020, author = {Chang, Ying-Hwa and Chang, Ying-Hwa and 岩井, 紀子 and Iwai, Noriko and Li, Lulu and Li, Lulu and Kim, Sang-Wook and Kim, Sang-Wook}, month = {Aug}, note = {East Asian Social Survey (EASS)は、東アジアの4チームの総合的社会調査(中国:CGSS、日本:JGSS、韓国:KGSS、台湾:TSCS)に共通の設問(モジュール)を設定し、東アジア社会に特有な問題や関心に基づいて国際比較分析を行おうとするプロジェクトであり、2年に1度、各調査にモジュールを組み込んでいる。 EASS 2008は余暇と娯楽活動、文化的な規範と選好に焦点を当てている。具体的には日本のアニメ、中国の映画、韓国のドラマの視聴頻度、友人に求める資質、性別役割分業観、父親の権威、好きな音楽、居住地域・国家・東アジアへの愛着、海外ニュースを得るメディア、国際問題について友人・知人と話す頻度、訪問経験と知人のいる国・地域、国・地域別外国人の受け入れ意識(職場、近所、親類)、外国での教育・研究経験、外資企業勤務、日常的に接する家族・親戚や知り合いの数、日常的に接する人の職業、英語の読解・会話・作文能力について尋ねている。基本属性に関する情報には、年齢、性別、婚姻状況、教育水準、雇用状況、就労時間、職種、収入、宗教、階層帰属意識、居住地域の市郡規模などが含まれている。 EASS 2008のデータセットは、以下のデータ・アーカイブで公開している。 日本:JGSSDDS (https://jgssdds.repo.nii.ac.jp) 韓国:EASSDA (https://www.eassda.org) 米国:ICPSR (https://www.icpsr.umich.edu) 個票データの入手方法はアーカイブにより異なりますので、それぞれのホームページをご覧ください。, The East Asian Social Survey (EASS) is a biennial social survey project that serves as a cross-national network of the following four General Social Survey type surveys in East Asia: Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS), Japanese General Social Survey (JGSS), Korean General Social Survey (KGSS), Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS), and comparatively examines diverse aspects of social life in these regions. Survey information in this module focuses on leisure and recreational activities, as well as cultural norms and expectations of respondents. Specific questions were asked pertaining to how often respondents watched certain types of movies, dramas, and other forms of entertainment, as well as what country this entertainment was in. Other information collected includes opinion questions, such as qualities preferred in friends, family responsibilities and roles, as well as taste in music, and feelings of closeness to one's country, city or town, and East Asia. Other topics include sources of international news and discussion frequency, countries or regions traveled, as well as where acquaintances live. Additionally, respondents were asked how accepting they would be of people from other countries as coworkers, neighbors, and in marriage. Information was collected regarding foreign practices, whether the respondent was working for a foreign capital company, and the economic environment. Respondents were also asked to provide their family members' and acquaintances' occupations, as well as assess their own proficiency when reading, speaking, and writing in English. Demographic information specific to the respondent and their spouse includes age, sex, marital status, education, employment status and hours worked, occupation, earnings and income, religion, class, size of community, and region. EASS 2008 dataset is published on the following data archives. Japan: JGSSDDS (https://jgssdds.repo.nii.ac.jp) Korea: EASSDA (https://www.eassda.org) USA: ICPSR (https://www.icpsr.umich.edu) Please refer to the respective websites for data application procedure., 2008-06, 2008-12, 日本:20~89歳の男女 韓国:18歳以上の男女 台湾:18歳以上の男女 中国:18歳以上の男女, Japan: Men and women 20-89 years of age Korea: Men and women aged 18 or older Taiwan: Men and women aged 18 or older China: Men and women aged 18 or older, 日本:60.6%, 韓国:61.0%, 台湾:44.9%, 中国:47.8%, Japan: 60.6%, Korea: 61.0%, Taiwan: 44.9%, China: 47.8%, 個人, Individual, 量的調査: ミクロデータ, quantitative research: micro data, 確率: 多段抽出, Probability: Multistage, 個別面接法, 自記式調査票:紙, Face-to-face interview, Self-administered questionnaire: Paper}, title = {East Asian Social Survey (EASS) 2008: Culture and Globalization in East Asia}, year = {2010} }