@misc{oai:jgssdds.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000019, author = {Kim, Sang-Wook and Kim, Sang-Wook and Chang, Ying-Hwa and Chang, Ying-Hwa and 岩井, 紀子 and Iwai, Noriko and Li, Lulu and Li, Lulu}, month = {Jun}, note = {East Asian Social Survey (EASS)は、東アジアの4チームの総合的社会調査(中国:CGSS、日本:JGSS、韓国:KGSS、台湾:TSCS)に共通の設問(モジュール)を設定し、東アジア社会に特有な問題や関心に基づいて、国際比較分析を行おうとするプロジェクトであり、2年に1度、各調査にモジュールを組み込んでいる。 EASS 2006は家族の変動に焦点を当てており、家族人数、きょうだい数、息子・娘の数、家族の生死などの家族構成に関する変数が含まれている。また、家族員や同居していない子どもについての、性別、出生順、年齢、婚姻状態、同別居、接触頻度、就労状態、続柄などの具体的な情報を尋ねている。他に、親に対する経済的支援への意識や、経済的支援・実践的世代間援助の頻度、家事、ライフスタイルの好み、本人と親の健康、家族の義務に関する意見も含まれている。生活の質に関する質問では、生活満足度と結婚生活への満足度が尋ねられている。本人と配偶者に関する基本属性に関する情報には、年齢、性別、婚姻状況、教育年数、雇用状況、就労時間、職種、収入、宗教、階層帰属意識、居住地域の市郡規模が含まれている。 EASS 2006のデータセットは、以下のデータ・アーカイブで公開している。 日本:JGSSDDS (https://jgssdds.repo.nii.ac.jp) 韓国:EASSDA (https://www.eassda.org) 米国:ICPSR (https://www.icpsr.umich.edu) 個票データの入手方法はアーカイブにより異なりますので、それぞれのホームページをご覧ください。, The East Asian Social Survey (EASS) is a biennial social survey project that serves as a cross-national network of the following four General Social Survey type surveys in East Asia: Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS), Japanese General Social Survey (JGSS), Korean General Social Survey (KGSS), Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS), and comparatively examines diverse aspects of social life in these regions. Survey information in this module focuses on family dynamics and includes demographic variables such as the number of family members, the number of younger and older siblings, the number of sons and daughters, and whether family members are alive or deceased. Respondents were also queried about specific information pertaining to family members and children not co-residing with them, such as, sex and birth order, age, marital status, residence status, contact frequency, employment status, and relation to the respondent. Other information collected includes attitudes toward financial support from family members and how frequently financial and personal support was provided. Questions also include opinions regarding household chores, lifestyle preferences, health of respondent and parents, as well as family obligations. Quality of life questions addressed how satisfied respondents were as well as overall marital happiness. Demographic information specific to the respondent and their spouse includes age, sex, marital status, education, employment status and hours worked, occupation, earnings and income, religion, class, size of community, and region. EASS 2006 dataset is published on the following data archives. Japan: JGSSDDS (https://jgssdds.repo.nii.ac.jp) Korea: EASSDA (https://www.eassda.org) USA: ICPSR (https://www.icpsr.umich.edu) Please refer to the respective websites for data application procedure., 2006-06, 2006-12, 日本:20~89歳の男女 韓国:18歳以上の男女 台湾:19歳以上の男女 中国:18~69歳の男女, Japan: Men and women 20-89 years of age Korea: Men and women aged 18 or older Taiwan: Men and women aged 19 or older China: Men and women 18-69 years of age, 日本:59.8%, 韓国:65.7%, 台湾:42.0%, 中国:38.5%, Japan: 59.8%, Korea: 65.7%, Taiwan: 42.0%, China: 38.5%, 個人, Individual, 量的調査: ミクロデータ, quantitative research: micro data, 確率: 多段抽出, Probability: Multistage, 個別面接法, 自記式調査票:紙, Face-to-face interview, Self-administered questionnaire: Paper}, title = {East Asian Social Survey (EASS) 2006: Families in East Asia}, year = {2019} }